Shamanic Willows News & Blog
What it means to be a Witch
What it means to be a Witch. To hear the first drop of rain from far away. To smell the scent of the land. To [...]
Saying “Hello” on this Winter Solstice Day
Hello New Friends and New Followers Recently I have been asked by new clients "How long have you been doing this for?" and they [...]
Remote Shamanic Wild Plant Spirit Healing
I have a New Offering For You I am very happy to be telling you of this new offering for you...Remote Shamanic Wild Plant [...]
The Journal Writers World with Willow
The Journal Writers World with Willow * Create Sacred Space Create a corner of your room, a part of a table, a special tray to [...]
Journal Writing Journey
Hi Everyone! It's been a while since I chattered away on here...but here I am again! Well, I have some exciting news. I have [...]
Greenwood Magic In A Bottle
Capture the Greenwood Magic in a bottle and let the magic begin. Have you ever wished that you could escape to the Greenwood and [...]
Shamanic Healing Online
Shamanic Healing Online Are you look for a Shamanic Healing online session, but you feel that you live too far away? Learn more about [...]
Tarot Readings On-Line
Tarot Readings On-Line Tarot Readings on-line are fabulous if we don't live in the same area or on other sides of the globe! Also they [...]
Shamanic Wheel of the Year
The Shamanic Wheel of the Year turns slowly on its own without a helping hand from us, bringing fabulous times for us to celebrate [...]
The Magic of Journals
The magic of journals is captivating. You are stepping into the beginning of a fabulous journey. From the moment you are gifted a pretty [...]
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