Saying “Hello” on this Winter Solstice Day

Hello New Friends and New Followers Recently I have been asked by new clients "How long have you been doing this for?" and they are quite surprised by my answer! So I thought I would introduce myself to my new friends and new followers and those who maybe skip past my 'About Me Page' [...]

Magical Journal Gathering

Come, let us gather in the Dark Moon energy for our Magical Journal gathering. Let us fill our Journal pages with hints of magic and mystery. Weaving of Words and Ink This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of magic, weaving [...]

The Journal Writers World with Willow

The Journal Writers World with Willow * Create Sacred Space Create a corner of your room, a part of a table, a special tray to have on your lap or a bureau if you have room. *Choose a Special Journal This can be a fancy cover journal, a plain journal which you can tart up [...]

Nature Journal Gathering

Nature Journal Gathering....continuing along the path! Taking footsteps along a new path can be daunting or even confusing. So let us unravel a few mysteries to make your Journal Journey a little easier. Putting Pen to paper Journalling is more than putting pen to paper. It is the first step along a fabulous pathway of [...]

By |2023-04-05T20:17:21+01:00April 5th, 2023|Categories: |Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Nature Journal Gathering

Journal Writing Journey

Hi Everyone! It's been a while since I chattered away on here...but here I am again! Well, I have some exciting news. I have launched a new page on my website, it is called Journal Journey, you may well have visited this page already, but if you haven't take a peep. Journal Writing Journey. [...]

Nature Journal Journey….lets begin!

Nature Journal Journey....lets begin! Taking that first footstep along a new path can be daunting or even confusing. So let us unravel a few mysteries to make your Journal Journey a little easier. First Steps This is the first step along a fabulous pathway of discovery between Self and Nature. Are you ready to [...]

The Magic of Journals

The magic of journals is captivating. You are stepping into the beginning of  a fabulous journey. From the moment you are gifted a pretty blank book or you choose one that catches your eye. You open that cover of your new journal and caress that first page...the journey has begun! Book of Your Soul [...]

By |2020-06-03T22:31:34+01:00June 2nd, 2020|Categories: Journals|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Wildwood Wanderings with Your Spirit Journal

Come and join me to wander through the Wildwood with your Spirit Journal. Let us sink deep into the nature that surrounds us, listening to the birdsong and the air as it rushes through the trees. We will sit a while and journal in our Spirit Journals, let the Spirits of the Wildwoods move [...]


Hi, I have been consciously walking my Spiritual path since 1993 and am fully qualified in Spiritual Healing, a Master Shamanic Practitioner, Flower Essence Practitioner, and other complementary therapies… read more 


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