Sacred Ceremonies

Sacred Ceremonies

My sacred ceremonies of the Wheel of the Year are gatherings so that we may celebrate these ceremonies together. Welcome to my sacred ceremonies. Have you found us on the land, with flickering fire and candle light, with gentle chants, with cloaks and staffs, did the energy call you to join us?

Walking the Pagan, earth based path, that we do, we honour the Wheel of the Year. The turning of the seasons, the celebrations of the sacred celebrations of the year, of these our lands. Honouring the Gods and Goddesses, the seasons, the elements, Mother Earth. 8 Ceremonies are held throughout the year. The Celtic Wheel of the Year turning points are Samhain Oct 31st, Winter Solstice December 21st, Imbolc February 1st, Spring Equimox March 21st, Beltane May 1st, Summer Solstice June 21st, Lammas August 1st, Autumn Equinox September 21st.

Work with the Rites

Additionally, we also honour and work with the Rites of Gadrian, Winter Tide, Herthfyre, Spring Tide, Meadwey, Summer Tide, Harfest, Autumn Tide as the wheel turns.

Sacred Ceremonies Are Gatherings

The Sacred Ceremonies are gatherings so that we may celebrate these ceremonies together. Since we are honouring the celebrations of the land, the ceremonies are mostly held on the land and occasionally indoors. Sacred space is created so that the energies of the wheel are welcomed to join us.

Ceremonies bring people of like mind together, so that we may honour and connect with the energies that mean so much to us. Ceremonies that our ancestors always gathered for and honoured. You may play a part in the ceremony or just be with us and enjoy. No fancy clothes needed, but if you have a cloak and wish to wear it, then please feel free to do so. Also you may wish to bring your Staff or Stang with you.

Ceremonies Are Magical Moments

Often in my Ceremonies we are blessed with wild animals who draw close, who feel the energy and come and join us…they are magical moments

After Ceremony, we share offerings with Mother Earth as a thank you for the sacred space that she gives us.

It would be wonderful if you came to join us in celebration.



Imbolc Ceremony

February 3 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join with me to celebrate Imbolc. A time for awakening. Connecting with Cerridwen at this Imbolc Ceremony. We will [...]

Ostara – Spring Equinox – Ceremony

March 20 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join with me to celebrate Spring Equinox – Ostara. A Time for springing to life. Honouring Cerridwen. Celebrating Element [...]


Beltane Ceremony

May 5 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Come join with me while we celebrate a Beltane Ceremony of Fertility of the Land . This a Ceremony [...]

Plant Spirits

Summer Solstice – Ceremony

June 23 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Come join with me to celebrate the Summer Solstice in Ceremony. This Ceremony where we will be honouring Cerridwen  [...]

Wildwood Wanderings

Lammas Ceremony

July 30 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Come and join me in the Lammas Ceremony. We will be honouring Lammas, the time of abundance. We will [...]


Mabon – Autumn Equinox Ceremony

September 19 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Come join with me to celebrate Mabon, the Autumn Equinox in Ceremony. This a Ceremony where we will be [...]