Therapies By Shamanic Willow

Therapies By Shamanic Willow

Welcome to my page of Therapies by Shamanic Willow. Here you will find the various therapies that I offer.

Deep Shamanic Healing Processes

There are many Deep Shamanic Healing processes, these are very deep and empowering. As a Shamanka I assist you with your healing, you are very involved with the healing processes, we work together. During your consultation at the beginning of your appointment I use shamanic tracking to determine which Shamanic Healing Process is best for you at that time.

Nature Energy Healings

You will find other Nature Energy Healings relating to Natural Earth Energies. I feel that connecting you to earth energies and working with the elements are so important.

Many Aspects, Many Healings

There are many aspects and layers to us, as people, and there are many healings I offer to help you come back in balance with yourself.

It is important to keep your energy in balance and that is what I strive to achieve with all my therapies.

My Healing Room

My Healing Room is a Sacred Space. The energies within my Healing Room, hold you in a place of peace, calm and relaxation, allowing you to be open and receptive to the wonderful healing that you will receive.

My Healing Room is on the first floor.

I look forward to meeting you for your healing.

  • Shamanic Healing – Deep Shamanic Healing. Removing energy blockages. Smudging and drumbeat Bringing balance and empowerment.
  • Soul Retrieval – Retrieving missing soul parts, lost due to shock or trauma.
  • Sword Cleansing – Deep aura cleanse of conscious or subconscious sorcery from others, through your lives.
  • Shamanic Journey – Shamanic guidance for your questions and guidance in your life.
  • Power Animal Journey – Finding and meeting your Power Animal, your animal spirit guide. Connecting it with your energy.
  • Illumination – Deep Releasing of negative energy beliefs that you are holding onto, often put upon you by others.
  • Cutting of Ties – Cutting of ties with others who control and drain your energy.
  • Past Life Therapy – Repeating negative patterns during this life, which have been brought forward from past lives. Lets sort it!
  • Ancestral Healing – Maternal and Paternal family lines explored and negative traits released..
  • Dismemberment – Deep cleansing of the Spirit Body.
  • Psychopomp – Escorting the deceased to the Summerlands.
  • Shamanic Death Rites – Sacred Rites performed for the deceased after death and before their Funeral/ Celebration of Life
  • And other Processes.

I also offer these as Distant Healings, when you are unable to travel to me for a 1:1 appointment. A Zoom appointment invite will be sent to your email for your appointment.

Allow 1.5 hours per appointment, including your consultation.

Cost: £150  for 1:1 in person appointment.

Cost: £150 for a distant appointment 

For longer appointments please contact me for the cost.

Please contact me for other Shamanic Healing Processes offered ie Shamanic Energy Cleansing on Houses, Businesses and Land.

The Shamanic aim and viewpoint are to keep energy in balance, within ourselves and of our lands…for a moment lets focus on ourselves!

A Shamanic Energy Balance is a stand-alone treatment or for keeping your energy in the balance after you have visited for your deeper Shamanic Processes appointment.

This treatment is a gentle treatment where you can relax and drift off into different worlds!

I use Shamanic Drum, rattle, sage, and sweetgrass, calling in Natures Elements also bringing in other Shamanic energies which you may need at that time during your Shamanic Energy Balance.

You will also have a bespoke Essence made for you take home to continue your healing journey on the days following your appointment.

Your 1.5 hour appointment will begin with a short consultation and then the Shamanic Energy Balance. We can discuss deeper Shamanic Processes if this becomes apparent but the deeper processes would be done during a separate appointment when you feel ready.

I also offer this as a Distant Healing, when you are unable to travel to me for a 1:1 appointment. A Zoom appointment invite will be sent to your email for your appointment.

Allow 1.5 Hour for your appointment, including your consultation.

Cost: £150 for a 1:1 appointment

Cost: £150 for a distant appointment 

Ladies, from a young age and for many years our wombs are working within us, sometimes groaned about, sometimes not really recognised for their beauty that they are. We carry our children in our wombs, but do we thank our womb afterwards?

This is a beautiful profound Shamanic energy healing to cleanse your sacred womb space, your sacred chalice of Divine Femininity and creativity.

Let us clear away the dross! Clear away past traumas and wounding and negative energy that you may be holding in your sacred womb space. You may be very surprised by what you are holding onto and clogging up your beautiful womb with.

Then let us celebrate! After this energy healing process,  we will hold a beautiful small ceremony to honour and bless you and your sacred chalice, your womb space.

If you have lost your womb this beautiful healing process can still be achieved.

You will remain clothed at all times and this sensitive Shamanic process is held in beautiful sacred space.

I also offer this as a Distant Healing, when you are unable to travel to me for a 1:1 appointment. A Zoom appointment invite will be sent to your email for your appointment.

Allow 1.5 hours for your appointment including your consultation

Cost: £150 for a 1:1 appointment

Cost: £150 for a Distant Healing appointment

Rite of the Womb

As a Womb Keeper of the Munay-ki, I am able to offer you The Rite of the Womb at the completion of this healing if you wish to receive the Rite.

Cost: Add £75 and allow an extra hour to your appointment. 

Shamanic Tree Spirit Healing is a beautiful blissful healing.

My vast family of Standing People, as Trees are often called, wish to work with us, bringing harmony into our lives….how many times have you felt amazingly calm when walking amongst the Trees in the woods and the forests?

Allow yourselves to enjoy this beautiful healing and sink into the blissful energy of Trees while you receive your healing. The Trees will help to clear blockages in your energy as well as bringing your energy back into balance.

I work deeply with the wood from the Trees, their essences, their signatures and their beautiful Tree Spirit energy. Bringing their beautiful healing and strengths in your healing session. The Trees often show me visions for you, which I share with you, which also help with your healing.

I also create your own bottle of Tree Spirits Essence Spray, especially for you to embrace their energy after your Shamanic Tree Spirit Healing.

I also offer this as a Distant Healing, when you are unable to travel to me for a 1:1 appointment. A Zoom appointment invite will be sent to your email for your appointment.

Allow 1.5 Hour for your appointment, including your consultation

Cost: £150 for a 1:1 appointment

Cost: £150  for a Distant Healing appointment

Shamanic Plant Spirit Healing is a beautiful relaxing healing for you, where I work with the Spirit of Plants to bring their healing properties into your energy field, bringing you the attributes that you require at the time.

I have a vast family of Plant Spirits that I work with, each one deciding themselves if they wish to work and bring healing to you, you may find that a group of Plant Spirits wish to be involved in your healing.

The Plant Spirits may also give you guidance during your healing, which I will deliver to you after your healing allowing you to bliss out and receive their beautiful energy.

I also offer this as a Distant Healing, when you are unable to travel to me for a 1:1 appointment. A Zoom appointment invite will be sent to your email for your appointment.

Allow 1.5 Hour for your appointment, including your consultation.

Cost: £150 for a 1:1 appointment

Cost: £150 for a Distant Healing appointment 

Shamanic Energy Cleansing of Houses:

I am very passionate about making people aware that it is as important to keep the energy clear in our homes as it is to have our own energy kept clear and in balance.

I take this one step further and also clear the energy of the land (gardens) on which your house or home was built so that your living space is a pleasant place to be!

If your home just doesn’t ‘feel nice’, feels like it has old, sometimes negative energy floating about, or stagnant, stale and uneasy energy, then it would benefit from a Shamanic Energy Cleanse.

There are many reasons why the energy feels stagnant, stale and uneasy. This can be caused by old energy left by previous owners, stress within the family, separation and divorce, under psychic attack. Also for Spirit visitors who are stuck in this vibration not wanting to move on and many other reasons.

Maybe you want to clear the energy while trying to sell your home or indeed a Shamanic Energy Cleanse before or soon after you move into your new home. You may just be spring cleaning, include a Shamanic Energy Cleanse to clear the energy of your home too for a fresh start to a new year.

I offer Shamanic Energy Cleansing and use various Shamanic Tools and call in various Shamanic Energies to help clear the stuck energy to bring the energies of peace, clarity and ‘zing’ back into your homes and workplaces.

Shamanic Energy Cleansing of Land:

It is just as important to have the Energy Cleansed of the land on which your house is built, as sometimes the negative energy is imprinted in the land. The Shamanic Energy Cleanse will bring back the balance of the land beneath your home. This can be included as part of your Shamanic Energy Cleanse of your home.

Shamanic Energy Cleansing of Land is also offered as a deeper separate Shamanic Process to bring the balance back to an area of land.

Cost for Shamanic Energy Cleansing of your Home and Garden:

From £150 for the first hour, then £50 for each following half hour, for flats and medium-sized homes.

Plus there will be travel fees to and from your home. The time depends on the resistance of the energy involved.

***I also offer this as a Remote Process***

For Larger Houses, Businesses or Land please contact me for costs.

Ogham Healing.

Ancient Healing, Ancient Ways, Ancient Magic.

Working with the Ogham Staves brings fabulous opportunities to work intensely with them. From my Ogham Crane Bag that holds all the Staves of the ancient magical knowledge, I have been guided to bring to you magical Ogham Healing.

I have a complete set of Ogham Staves that I only use for Shamanic Ogham Healings, It is a very special Ogham set collected from ancient trees on our sacred lands, where our ancestors walked before us.

So what I am offering in this deep Ogham Healing for you is:

  • An Ogham Healing, intuitively using the Shamanic Ogham Staves. The Trees themselves will choose which ones want or need to work with you. This is a beautiful energy healing with the wooden Staves. The trees will be bringing their energies and attributes into your energy as you receive their healing magic as they work deeply with you.
  • Ogham Tree Tuning Forks will also be used within your Ogham Healing. Bringing you the vibrational sound of the Sacred Trees.
  • After your healing an Ogham explanation will be offered using the Ogham Staves that chose to be used in your healing. They will have deep personal messages for you.
  • You will also be taking home a bottle of Ogham Tree Essence created with the Trees used in your Ogham Healing, so that your healing will continue after your appointment.

Allow up to 1.5 hours for your Ogham Healing.

I also offer this as a Distant Healing, when you are unable to travel to me for a 1:1 appointment. A Zoom appointment invite will be sent to your email for your appointment.

Cost: £150 1:1 in person Healing

Cost : £150 Distant Healing.

Blackthorn Magic Healing is a fabulous Healing where we take a deep journey with the powerful energy of Blackthorn for deep release work. Then Spirit of Blackthorn aides you to bring you to your own reality of your intentions. This is a deep and empowering Healing where you will be working directly with and creating a Magic of Blackthorn pouch to take home with you.

Allow 1.5 hour for your appointment, including your consultation and a Blackthorn energy pouch to take home with you.

I also offer this as a Distant Healing, when you are unable to travel to me for a 1:1 appointment. A Zoom appointment invite will be sent to your email for your appointment.

Cost: £150 for a 1:1 appointment

Cost: £150 for a Distant Healing

This is a beautiful Shamanic Divine Feminine Goddess Energy Healing Process.

I call upon the sacred Shamanic energy of our lands, the energy and attributes of the Lady of Avalon and the 8 British Goddesses to assist with your healing.

I offer Sacred Goddess Healings, working with the energies of the British Goddesses who wish to bring you their healing energy which is appropriate to you at the time of healing. The healing may be gentle and sometimes it will bring up the shadows of your being which we will address at the time of your healing. Goddess knows what is right for us, what we need to look at and what to take action with.

‘She changes everything She touches and everything She touches changes’

I also offer this as a Distant Healing, when you are unable to travel to me for a 1:1 appointment. A Zoom appointment invite will be sent to your email for your appointment.

Allow 1.5 hour for your appointment, including your consultation.

Cost: £150 for a 1:1 appointment

Cost: £150 for a Distant Healing appointment

Flower and Vibrational Essence Therapy is a beautiful way of working with Nature’s energy. The vibrational energy of the plant or flower is held in spring water and preserved in brandy to produce an essence which can help you on many levels of healing mind, body and spirit. They are powerful vibrational catalysts that transform negative emotions bringing us into a positive energy balance.

Once we link with the energy of plant or tree, by taking the essence, they can help us remove our emotional baggage, remove energy blockages allowing us to see a clearer picture, and bring positive energy to our very being and giving us empowerment. They can transform negative thought patterns into positive thoughts and can help release stress bringing calmness, the list is endless…

Essences are safe for children and animals and work extremely well because they are very accepting of the nature of the essence.

During your consultation, I will dowse to see which essence you require and I will then make up your personal 10ml bottle of essence which may include a combination of a few different essences.

Here are some of the essences that I connect and work with:

  • Flower Essences
  • Green Man Tree Essences
  • Forest Combination Essences
  • Light Essences
  • Sovereignty Essences
  • Wild Earth Animal Essences
  • Bailey Essences
  • Wild Medicine Flower Essences

Treatments: 45 minutes

Cost: £50.00 Face to face consultation Includes 1 x 10ml bottle of Flower or Vibrational Essence.

For Distant Consultations: I will need a very small strand of your hair, a few hairs will be ok, posted to me with your details, it does not make a difference if you have coloured hair, and this will be kept on file for future reference. Payment may be made by cheque or Paypal for this service.

Cost Distant: Distant Consultation via Zoom (max. 45 minutes): £55.00 Including p&p
of your 1 x 10ml bottle of Flower or Vibrational Essence.

Overseas postage not included.

I am a qualified and fully insured Flower and Vibrational Essence Therapist

Please Note:

I am able to create a bespoke Bottle of Vibrational Essence for you without the consultation. Please contact me for information about cost and p&p 

Ogham Experience.

This a full Ogham Healing and a full Ogham Reading and  Connection to your own personal Tree Ally.  This is a bespoke session for you to dive deeply into the magic of these wonderful sentient beings.

Ancient Healing, Ancient Ways, Ancient Magic.

Working with the Ogham Staves brings fabulous opportunities to work intensely with them. From my Ogham Crane Bag that holds all the Staves of the ancient magical knowledge, I have been guided to bring to you magical Ogham Healing Combination.

I have a complete set of Ogham Staves that I only use for Shamanic Ogham Healings, It is a very special Ogham set collected from ancient trees on our sacred lands, where our ancestors walked before us.

So what I am offering in this deep Ogham Experience for you is:

  • An Ogham Healing, intuitively using the Shamanic Ogham Staves. The Trees themselves will choose which ones want or need to work with you. This is a beautiful energy healing with the wooden Staves. The trees will be bringing their energies and attributes into your energy as you receive their healing magic as they work deeply with you.
  • Ogham Tree Tuning Forks will also be used within your Ogham Healing. Bringing you the vibrational sound of the Sacred Trees.
  • After your healing an Ogham Explanation will be offered using the Ogham Staves that chose to be used in your healing. They will have deep personal messages for you.
  • A Full Ogham Reading where we will consult the Ogham Staves collected from ancient sacred lands. You will gain deep guidance from the Ogham.
  • You will learn of your own personal Tree Ally and I will connect your energies to it if you wish me to.

You will also be taking home a bottle of Ogham Tree Essence created with the Trees used in your Ogham Healing, so that your healing and connection with your personal Ogham Trees will continue.

Allow 2.5 hours for your Ogham Experience.

I also offer this as a Distant Ogham Experience, when you are unable to travel to me for a 1:1 appointment. A Zoom appointment invite will be sent to your email for your appointment.

Cost: £220 1:1 in person Ogham Experience

Cost : £220 Distant Ogham Experience. 

The Shamanic Experience is an experience of full Shamanic Energy Balance and a full Shamanic Reading.

The Shamanic aim and viewpoint are to keep energy in balance, within ourselves and of our lands…for a moment lets focus on ourselves!

A Shamanic Energy Balance is a stand-alone treatment or for keeping your energy in the balance after you have visited for your deeper Shamanic Processes appointment.

This treatment is a gentle treatment where you can relax and drift off into different worlds!

  • I use Shamanic Drum and Shamanic Rattles.
  • Sacred Burning Herbs to clear your energy and embrace your aura.
  • I work with Natures Energies also bringing in other Shamanic energies which you may need at that time during your Shamanic Energy Balance.
  • Spirit Animals also help within your Healing.
  • Within the Shamanic Experience I will also connect you with the Spirit Animal that assisted in your Healing if you wish me to. This will not be your Power Animal. (Please note: If you do wish to seek your Power Animal we can book and add your Power Animal Process onto this Experience or you may make a separate appointment at a different time. )
  • You will also have a bespoke Essence made for you take home to continue your healing journey on the days following your appointment.
  • Once we have completed the full Shamanic Energy Balance we will be then consulting the full Shamanic Reading where we will be diving deeper into your journey through your life times as to who you were, who you are now and who you are becoming…in no particular order! The reading offers deep Shamanic insights and guidance.

Your 2.5 hour appointment will begin with a short consultation and then the Shamanic Energy Balance. We can discuss deeper Shamanic Processes if this becomes apparent but the deeper processes would be done during a separate appointment when you feel ready.

What you gain: A full deep empowerment of Shamanic Energy!

I also offer this as a Distant Shamanic Experience, when you are unable to travel to me for a 1:1 appointment. A Zoom appointment invite will be sent to your email for your appointment.

Allow 2.5 Hours for your appointment, including your consultation.

Cost: £220 for a 1:1 Shamanic Experience

Cost: £220 for a Distant Shamanic Experience

A Deep Healing Journey of Discovery

Are you ready to embark on your Wildwood Healing Journey of Discovery?

This is a deep Journey which will require commitment, stamina and facing your Shadows.

Creating your magical pathways through the undergrowth beneath the trees.


Shadows come in many forms, many depths. Without shadows we do not learn lessons, but we do not need to stay in the deep soul clutching bogs of the darkest forests of our beings.

No! We need to bring clarity to our path through the Wildwoods of Life!

Day One: Earth

Earth! Let us begin our Journey in the element of Earth, the starting point of setting our path. We will begin by clearing your pathway forward through the Wildwood before you. We will journey deeply into the magic of your self, this is all about re-membering who you are, reconnecting to the You who you were and are becoming. Plotting your pathway!

Day Two: Air

Air! Deeply remembering, resetting visions and dreams. Bringing clarity with the Magical Moon and the Winds through the Trees, and the Mysterious Dimensions!

Day Three: Fire

Fire! Release and Reclaim. Destroy your Shadows and Ignite your Spark. Bring Fire back into your Belly. Sit around the Ancestral Fires of deep wisdom and connections.

Day Four: Water

Water!  Diving deep, release and flow. Like the waters that flow across the land. Become the flowing stream through the Wildwoods of your life, glisten, bubble and flow.

Resurface and Breathe!

The Steps Along Your Journey

  • Shadow Work
  • Earthwalking
  • Pathfinding
  • Sacred Pathways
  • Seeking Your Mysteries
  • Ancestral Work
  • Elements
  • Healing
  • Wisdom
  • Ritual
  • Ceremony

Is this a Course?

No, this is not a course, nor a set of workshops. This is also not a ‘How To…’ journey….

This is a Deep Healing Journey of Self Discovery.

Allowing yourself to dive deep into your mysterious shadow…the hidden parts that you will shed light on…the journey from who you were to who you are and will be.

The deep journey through eons of time and dimensions, to face and accept the changes within yourself.

To awaken the hidden you.

Various Magical Tools, Shamanic and Magical Processes will be used during our work together.

Magic will be awoken.

Each step forward, a day at a time, will ignite your energy and the clarity of your journey.

This work is deep and you will be held in sacred space as each day with me progresses.

Emerge the other side of the Wildwoods, magically empowered!

Roots, Shoots and Growth

You will be held in safe healing space through your days with me. I will journey to your shadows with you…. you will not be alone.

Each of the 4 days is taken with a 4 week gap before the next day, until all four days of your journey are completed.

The 4 weeks between each day you are with me you will have time to digest that step of your journey that you have taken and to renew your footsteps as you journey towards your next day through your Wildwood Path.

This is your personal exciting magical healing journey, tread your footsteps well.


Your commitment is paramount to complete the journey.

This is a deep investment of your time, intentions, path and self magic. Once beginning you will need to reach the end…or you will be forever caught up in the thicket.

If you feel you can’t complete all 4 days, then do not take those first steps…the path will not clear for you to walk along the Wildwood pathways with me for this journey, and you will be claimed by the brambles!

You may then need to review your intentions and perhaps choose a different Wildwood Course or Workshop that I offer.

However, if your intentions are clear and you wish to complete this journey…then you will be able to move the brambles to one side and your pathway will become clear.

We will be working deeply along your journey and we will need to have a good connection before we journey together.

I am passionate about this, your journey. I will take you into your shadows and bring back through magical moon lit magical pathways of time.


Your Investment for this 4 day (over 4 months) Deep Journey is £1,200

Booking your Days

Each of the 4 days are 10am to 3pm

Please do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss this journey further and to arrange a meeting to see if it is right for us to journey together.

Book this Journey to Begin at Any Time

As this is a personal journey, it can be begun at any time, we set the dates for when you are ready to take those first steps.

Over eons of time, past lives, between lives and even in this life time we can agree to Soul Contracts that become uncomfortable as time goes on.

During your consultation at the beginning of your appointment, we will look at your Soul Contracts to determine the bespoke energy that we will be working with.

During your Soul Contracts Healing, I work with amazing Tree Allies that are 5,000 3,000 2,300 and 1,000 years old. Powerful Plant Spirit Allies and other very powerful energies assist in the Healing.

You will be held and supported within Sacred Space while we work with this Healing Process.

A Vibrational Essence will be given to you, to take home with you, to support you in the days following your Soul Contract Healing.

Allow 1.5 hour for your appointment.

I also offer this as a Distant Healing, when you are unable to travel to me for a 1:1 appointment. A Zoom appointment invite will be sent to your email for your appointment.

Cost: £150 for a 1:1 appointment

Cost: £150 for a Distant Healing

This is a powerful Healing Process. The Bespoke Ancient Ancestors Healing.

We can address many levels of Healing needed for you at that time.

I take you deep into the Cave to meet the Ancestors, to be seen by Wise Eyes and many other Ancestors who  work with me. To face and work with your issues, you will be held in the magical spaces between/betwixt time and space to receive Healing bespoke for you.

During this Healing Process I work with amazing Tree Allies that are 5,000 3,000 2,300 and 1,000 years old. Powerful Plant Spirit Allies and other very powerful energies assist in the Healing.

You will be held and supported within Sacred Space while we work deeply and magically for the best Healing for you.

A Vibrational Essence will be given to you, to take home with you, to support you in the days following your Bespoke Ancient Ancestors Healing.

Allow 1.5 hour for your appointment.

I also offer this as a Distant Healing, when you are unable to travel to me for a 1:1 appointment. A Zoom appointment invite will be sent to your email for your appointment.

Cost: £150 for a 1:1 appointment

Cost: £150 for a Distant Healing

I welcome you to rest awhile in a personal Shamanic Celtic Tree Sound Bath.

Be embraced by the sounds of 17 Celtic Trees.

What to Expect

You will be greeted and brought to my Healing Room, where you will lay on my therapy bed, wrapped in my medicine blanket.

You will be surrounded by 17  Celtic Tree Sound Pipes, who will be waiting to work their magic!

I will lead you through a Personal Shamanic Journey during your Tree Journey.

Your Personal Celtic Tree Sound Bath

I will connect you to the energies of the Greenwood, using the sound of the Greenwood and a Blended Tree  Essence.

I will then assist the Trees to use their Sounds to bring you Healing, Equilibrium and Connection.

You will then be immersed in the sound frequencies of the Trees who wish to work with you…and there will be a variety, including your Birth Tree.

Enjoy the bliss of the sound of the Greenwood, in your own Grove of chosen Trees.

Coming to a Close

Your session will close by me bringing your roots back down into Mother Earth to bring you the grounding that you will need to journey home.

I will also share with you the messages from the trees which reached forward to work deeper with you.

Allow 1.5 hours for your Celtic Tree Sound Bath appointment

Cost: £150 for 1:1 in person appointment

Cost: £150 for a distant appointment

Remote Shamanic Wild Plant Spirit Healing

I welcome you to experience this deeply profound healing. Working remotely with your energy with various Shamanic techniques including various Wild Plant Consciousness Processes and Nature Consciousness Processes, your energy may reveal to me the need for Healing for….

  • Soul Wounding
  • Family Trauma
  • Childhood Trauma
  • Removal of Multi Layered Negative Beliefs
  • Curse and Hex Removals
  • Removal of Negative Traits
  • Removal of Attachments and Entities.
  • Ancestral Reconnections
  • Reweaving of Your Energy Patterns
  • Positivity, Balance and Creativity
  • And many more

I will then work intensely, with your energy remotely to remove and correct whatever shows in your energy field and then to enhance your positivity and empowerment.

Booking your Remote Shamanic Wild Plant Spirit Healing

At the time of booking, I will send you a form to complete to return to me. I will allocate up to 3 hours for working this deep Remote Shamanic Healing Process after which the healing energy will continue for a full moon cycle. You do not need to set your time aside as I will be working remotely with your energy and contact you afterwards.

On Completion of your Remote Healing

On completion of your Remote Shamanic Wild Plant Spirit Healing, you will receive a voice recorded copy of your Healing sent to you via email. I will also send you a typed version which will include further information and instructions for you to follow, Including a follow-up connection.

Your Investment

Your Investment £300

A Bespoke Shamanic Power Essence

Your Shamanic Power Essence will be chosen for you by those in the Green Kingdom.

As a Shamanic Plant Spirit Healer I will work deeply with the Green Kingdom to connect and gain the messages for you, from the chosen Green Ones who wish to work with you.

A bespoke Shamanic Power Essence will be created for you and sent to you, along with information gained.

  • Intense Plant Spirit Healing work for you.
  • 50 ml Bottle of Bespoke Shamanic Power Essence, containing your Plant Ally
  • Messages and Information gained

This Shamanic process will be completed remotely.

Your Shamanic Power Essence will be sent to you.

**Only for clients in the UK**

Your Investment 
