Cauldron of the Crone – Samhain Ceremony

Are you ready…are you really ready to stir the Cauldron of the Crone in ceremony?! Are you ready to step into the darkness with Cerridwen and step out through the veils of transformation? Join me to celebrate Samhain the time in the Wheel of the Year where the veils between worlds are thin. Connect [...]

By |2024-12-14T14:10:37+00:00December 14th, 2024|Categories: |Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Greenwood Magic In A Bottle

Capture the Greenwood Magic in a bottle and let the magic begin. Have you ever wished that you could escape to the Greenwood and embrace the magic? When time is short or you cannot to connect with the spirit of your favourite place? The Magic of the Greenwood The magic of the greenwood is [...]

Roots Shoots Bones and Stones Witch Workshop

Roots Shoots Bones and Stones Join me for a Greenwood Magic two day workshop working with Roots Shoots Bones and Stones. I sit here before my Cauldron, waiting for you to step into my world of Magic. When you pick up the bone to stir the cauldron, you may find yourself being taken back [...]

My New Website Launch

Hello Everyone! Well... here it is.... the launch of my new website...Yay! What a journey it has been. A huge learning curve for me with all the techi stuff, defintely out of my comfort zone (grin!) and there are still things that need tweaking. Also a huge thanks simply has to go to a very, [...]

By |2019-11-11T02:56:37+00:00November 11th, 2019|Categories: Website|Tags: , , , |0 Comments


Hi, I have been consciously walking my Spiritual path since 1993 and am fully qualified in Spiritual Healing, a Master Shamanic Practitioner, Flower Essence Practitioner, and other complementary therapies… read more 


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