Magical Healing Poppets and Spirit Dolls

Shamanic Willow 3 Youngs Road, Bouremouth, United Kingdom

Learn about Magical Poppets and Spirit Dolls So who are these little Spirit Beings and what do they do? Learn the magic about these amazing Witch tools, often found in old cottages from times gone by. Full of mystery and magic. Find out about their commitment to you and your commitment to them. Healing [...]

Wildwood Empowerment Ritual

Shamanic Willow 3 Youngs Road, Bouremouth, United Kingdom

Wildwood Empowerment Ritual Come with me deep into the Wildwood for a Empowerment Ritual. This is a personal magical ritual just for you. So are you ready to step into the shadows at this magical time? Shadows Walk through the Shadows that dance between the trees and connect with the magic of the mysterious [...]

Reweave Your Wildwood Healing Journey

Shamanic Willow 3 Youngs Road, Bouremouth, United Kingdom

A Deep Healing Journey of Discovery Are you ready to embark on your Wildwood Healing Journey of Discovery? This is a deep Journey which will require commitment, stamina and facing your Shadows. Creating your magical pathways through the undergrowth beneath the trees. Shadows Shadows come in many forms, many depths. Without shadows we do [...]

Many Labyrinths, Many Journeys

Shamanic Willow 3 Youngs Road, Bouremouth, United Kingdom

I look forward to welcoming you to this workshop....Many Labyrinths, Many Journeys. I will take you on a journey of discovery. This will be a journey of discovery of Self and the Magic of the Labyrinth. Different Labyrinths There are different Labyrinths. During this workshop we will be working with Cretan Labyrinths and Chartres [...]

Shamanic Protection Workshop

Shamanic Willow 3 Youngs Road, Bouremouth, United Kingdom

Shamanic Protection Workshop I am offering a Shamanic Protection Workshop. It is becoming apparent that this is very much needed, and is so often overlooked! Many people come to me feeling drained by negative energy, feeling a bit bombarded by energy while in crowds. People are also feeling their energy dragged down by others [...]

Lammas Ceremony

Come and join me in the Lammas Ceremony. We will be honouring Lammas, the time of abundance. We will be honouring Cerridwen and the First Harvest This is an online Ceremony. Please be prepared with the following Items: A small White candle in a holder A comfortable place to sit Notebook and pen A [...]


Mabon – Autumn Equinox Ceremony

Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Come join with me to celebrate Mabon, the Autumn Equinox in Ceremony. This a Ceremony where we will be honouring Cerridwen, The Element of Water and the Second Harvest, marking the end of Summer and beginning of Autumn. This is an online Ceremony. Please be prepared with the following Items: A small whitecandle in [...]


Cauldron of the Crone – Samhain Ceremony

Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Are you ready…are you really ready to stir the Cauldron of the Crone in ceremony?! Are you ready to step into the darkness with Cerridwen and step out through the veils of transformation? Join me to celebrate Samhain the time in the Wheel of the Year where the veils between worlds are thin. Connect [...]

Yule – Winter Solstice – Ceremony

Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Join me to celebrate Yule, Winter Solstice. A time of the shortest day and longest night.  Honouring the Element of Earth. Embracing Winter. We will be having an understanding on what this turn of the Wheel represents. Honnouring Cerridwen at this time. This is an online Ceremony. Please be prepared with the following Items: A [...]