Journey around the Goddess Wheel Workshop

Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Connect and expand your knowledge of each of the 9 British Goddesses as we journey around the Goddess Wheel. Come and learn of the Goddess energy and Her attributes. You call upon them when you need extra support in your life. So dip your toes into a new path and learn the energy of each [...]

£50.00 – £75.00

Full Moon Ritual

Join me in this Magical Full Moon Ritual. Let us step deeper into the magic and create ritual as we call upon the Full Moon, The Lord and The Lady and our Ancestors . Let us journey deeper into the magical realms during this sacred ritual and may we connect ever deeper to the [...]


Shamanic Medicine Wheel Circle – Sacred Pipe Ceremony

Come and join me within the Sacred Circle of the Medicine Wheel. Let us journey to meet the ancient Grandfathers and Grandmothers as they sit amongst us. As they share with us their guidance and their visions may we be open to their wisdom. The evening will include a Sacred Pipe Ceremony to connect us more deeply [...]


Dark Moon Ritual

Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Join me in this Magical Dark Moon Ritual. Let us step deeper into the magic and create ritual as we call upon the Dark Moon, the Ancient Crone Goddess. Let us journey deeper into the magical realms during this sacred ritual and may we connect ever deeper to the power and energy that is [...]


Sacred Site Connections

Let us visit and connect with the local Sacred Sites and with the Ancestors of our Lands. Honouring those who have walked before. Re-awaken memories of our past in our todays. We will hold  sacred ceremonies honouring the land that has held sacred energy over eons of time. We weave the magic of our [...]

Spirit Journal Workshop

Spirit Journal Have you tried to stay on track with your Spirit Journal and failed to keep it up? Have you wanted to keep up to date with your Journeys and Meditation practice and spiritual growth but lost interest after a few times? Spirit Journal Workshop Come along to the Spirit Journal workshop…let me [...]

£60.00 – £85.00

Power Animal Workshop

Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Come to the Power Animal Workshop. Power Animals play an important part in our lives and spiritual paths, giving us guidance and knowledge and different strengths to help us in our daily lives. In this workshop you will learn who your Power Animal is and how it is going to help you. The attributes [...]

£55.00 – £80.00

Wildwood Meanderings

A gentle meander through the Wildwood Trackways, under the canopy of ancient Trees. Embrace the healing energy of  the Wildwoods. Walk with the Fae and Nature Spirits in ancient sacred Wildwoods. A gentle walk chatting about anything and everything Wildwood. Ideal for those who are desperate to go for a walk in Nature but [...]

Get Tickets £35.00 4 tickets left

Sacred Steps through the Goddess Labyrinth.

Walk deeper into the Heart of the Goddess, take your sacred steps through the Labyrinth to seek the secrets in the centre. A time for deep connection with yourself in the arms of the Goddess, let her lead you and guide you through the mysteries of the Labyrinth. Meet Goddess Domnu at this Summer [...]

Get Tickets £25.00 4 tickets left

Plant Spirits of the Land

Are you ready to connect and meet with the Plant Spirits of the Land? Meeting the Plant Spirits of the Land This is not a workshop to know how to identify the Plants and what their uses are for. No.....this is a magical, Shamanic, Wise Woman workshop. Meet the Wild Plant Spirits themselves on a [...]


Samhain Greenwood Sound Bath

I welcome you to rest awhile in a personal Samhain Greenwood Sound Bath. You will be held in Blackthorn Tree Moon time at this deeply magical time. let us also connect with Crone and Ancestors. What to Expect You will be greeted and brought to my Healing Room, where you will lay on my [...]


Greenwood Celtic Tree Sound Bath Birch

I welcome you to rest awhile in a personal Shamanic Greenwood Celtic Tree Sound Bath. During the deep energy of Birch Tree Moon....what a treat to be connected to the Magic of the Birch Tree. What to Expect You will be greeted and brought to my Healing Room, where you will lay on my [...]


Nature Journal Gathering

Shamanic Willow 3 Youngs Road, Bouremouth, United Kingdom

Nature Journal Gathering....continuing along the path! Taking footsteps along a new path can be daunting or even confusing. So let us unravel a few mysteries to make your Journal Journey a little easier. Putting Pen to paper Journalling is more than putting pen to paper. It is the first step along a fabulous pathway of [...]


Nature Journal Journey….lets begin!

Nature Journal Journey....lets begin! Taking that first footstep along a new path can be daunting or even confusing. So let us unravel a few mysteries to make your Journal Journey a little easier. First Steps This is the first step along a fabulous pathway of discovery between Self and Nature. Are you ready to [...]


Introduction to the Shamanic Path Workshop

Shamanic Willow 3 Youngs Road, Bouremouth, United Kingdom

This is a one day workshop offering an insight to the Shamanic Path. We will be covering tools used in practice, cleansing, working with the Directions and more. This workshop is a full day of information and exploration for dipping your toes on the path. You will also meet your Power Animal during this [...]