Roots Shoots Bones and Stones Witch Workshop
Shamanic Willow 3 Youngs Road, BouremouthRoots Shoots Bones and Stones Join me for a Greenwood Magic two day workshop working with Roots Shoots Bones and Stones. I sit here before my Cauldron, waiting for you to step into my world of Magic. When you pick up the bone to stir the cauldron, you may find yourself being taken back [...]
Wise Woman Workshop Crones Corner
Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, BournemouthCrones Corner Visit Crones Corner, this is a sacred place that holds magic, wisdom, Wise Woman knowledge of herbs, plants and trees, candles and all things magical! Crones Corner Workshops are a series of wild workshops that I am offering to you, where will explore the spirit and magical energy of all things natural. [...]
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