Journey around the Goddess Wheel Workshop

Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Connect and expand your knowledge of each of the 9 British Goddesses as we journey around the Goddess Wheel. Come and learn of the Goddess energy and Her attributes. You call upon them when you need extra support in your life. So dip your toes into a new path and learn the energy of each [...]

£50.00 – £75.00

Sacred Site Connections

Let us visit and connect with the local Sacred Sites and with the Ancestors of our Lands. Honouring those who have walked before. Re-awaken memories of our past in our todays. We will hold  sacred ceremonies honouring the land that has held sacred energy over eons of time. We weave the magic of our [...]

Sacred Steps through the Goddess Labyrinth.

Walk deeper into the Heart of the Goddess, take your sacred steps through the Labyrinth to seek the secrets in the centre. A time for deep connection with yourself in the arms of the Goddess, let her lead you and guide you through the mysteries of the Labyrinth. Meet Goddess Domnu at this Summer [...]

Get Tickets £25.00 4 tickets left

Imbolc Ceremony

Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Join with me to celebrate Imbolc. A time for awakening. Connecting with Cerridwen at this Imbolc Ceremony. We will have understanding of what this turn of the wheel represents. This is an online Ceremony. Please be prepared with the following Items: A small White candle in a holder A comfortable place to sit Notebook [...]


Ostara – Spring Equinox – Ceremony

Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Join with me to celebrate Spring Equinox – Ostara. A Time for springing to life. Honouring Cerridwen. Celebrating Element of Air. We will have understanding of what this turn of the wheel represents. This is an online Ceremony. Please be prepared with the following Items: A small white candle in a holder A comfortable [...]


Beltane Ceremony

Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Come join with me while we celebrate a Beltane Ceremony of Fertility of the Land . This a Ceremony where we will be honouring Cerridwen and the Lord and Lady. This is  time of Blossoming and honouring Hawthorn Woman. So first let us gather in sacred circle as our ancestors did before and follow [...]
