Samhain Greenwood Sound Bath

I welcome you to rest awhile in a personal Samhain Greenwood Sound Bath. You will be held in Blackthorn Tree Moon time at this deeply magical time. let us also connect with Crone and Ancestors. What to Expect You will be greeted and brought to my Healing Room, where you will lay on my [...]


Greenwood Celtic Tree Sound Bath Birch

I welcome you to rest awhile in a personal Shamanic Greenwood Celtic Tree Sound Bath. During the deep energy of Birch Tree Moon....what a treat to be connected to the Magic of the Birch Tree. What to Expect You will be greeted and brought to my Healing Room, where you will lay on my [...]


Nature Journal Gathering

Shamanic Willow 3 Youngs Road, Bouremouth, United Kingdom

Nature Journal Gathering....continuing along the path! Taking footsteps along a new path can be daunting or even confusing. So let us unravel a few mysteries to make your Journal Journey a little easier. Putting Pen to paper Journalling is more than putting pen to paper. It is the first step along a fabulous pathway of [...]


Nature Journal Journey….lets begin!

Nature Journal Journey....lets begin! Taking that first footstep along a new path can be daunting or even confusing. So let us unravel a few mysteries to make your Journal Journey a little easier. First Steps This is the first step along a fabulous pathway of discovery between Self and Nature. Are you ready to [...]


Imbolc Ceremony

Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Join with me to celebrate Imbolc. A time for awakening. Connecting with Cerridwen at this Imbolc Ceremony. We will have understanding of what this turn of the wheel represents. This is an online Ceremony. Please be prepared with the following Items: A small White candle in a holder A comfortable place to sit Notebook [...]


Wildwood Wanderings with Your Spirit Journal

Come and join me to wander through the Wildwood with your Spirit Journal. Let us sink deep into the nature that surrounds us, listening to the birdsong and the air as it rushes through the trees. We will sit a while and journal in our Spirit Journals, let the Spirits of the Wildwoods move [...]


Ostara – Spring Equinox – Ceremony

Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Join with me to celebrate Spring Equinox – Ostara. A Time for springing to life. Honouring Cerridwen. Celebrating Element of Air. We will have understanding of what this turn of the wheel represents. This is an online Ceremony. Please be prepared with the following Items: A small white candle in a holder A comfortable [...]


Beltane Ceremony

Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Come join with me while we celebrate a Beltane Ceremony of Fertility of the Land . This a Ceremony where we will be honouring Cerridwen and the Lord and Lady. This is  time of Blossoming and honouring Hawthorn Woman. So first let us gather in sacred circle as our ancestors did before and follow [...]


Wise Womans Crones Corner

Crones Corner Visit Crones Corner, this is a sacred place that holds magic, wisdom, Wise Woman knowledge of herbs, plants and trees, candles and all things magical! Crones Corner Workshops are a series of wild workshops that I am offering to you, where will explore the spirit and magical energy of all things natural. [...]


Wise Woman Workshop Crones Corner

Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Crones Corner Visit Crones Corner, this is a sacred place that holds magic, wisdom, Wise Woman knowledge of herbs, plants and trees, candles and all things magical! Crones Corner Workshops are a series of wild workshops that I am offering to you, where will explore the spirit and magical energy of all things natural. [...]


Summer Solstice – Ceremony

Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Come join with me to celebrate the Summer Solstice in Ceremony. This Ceremony where we will be honouring Cerridwen  and the element of Fire. Honouring the longest day in the Wheel of the Year. This is an online Ceremony. Please be prepared with the following Items: A small White candle. A comfortable place to [...]


Magical Journal Gathering

Come, let us gather in the Dark Moon energy for our Magical Journal gathering. Let us fill our Journal pages with hints of magic and mystery. Weaving of Words and Ink This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of magic, weaving [...]

Lammas Ceremony

Come and join me in the Lammas Ceremony. We will be honouring Lammas, the time of abundance. We will be honouring Cerridwen and the First Harvest This is an online Ceremony. Please be prepared with the following Items: A small White candle in a holder A comfortable place to sit Notebook and pen A [...]


Mabon – Autumn Equinox Ceremony

Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Come join with me to celebrate Mabon, the Autumn Equinox in Ceremony. This a Ceremony where we will be honouring Cerridwen, The Element of Water and the Second Harvest, marking the end of Summer and beginning of Autumn. This is an online Ceremony. Please be prepared with the following Items: A small whitecandle in [...]


Cauldron of the Crone – Samhain Ceremony

Bournemouth 3 Youngs Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom

Are you ready…are you really ready to stir the Cauldron of the Crone in ceremony?! Are you ready to step into the darkness with Cerridwen and step out through the veils of transformation? Join me to celebrate Samhain the time in the Wheel of the Year where the veils between worlds are thin. Connect [...]