Journal Journey
Magical Beltane Journal Gathering
Weaving of Words and Ink at Beltane This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of magic. Following the Pagan Wheel of the Year, Beltane is the time of Love and Fertility. So, during Beltane energy, let us join for the weaving words [...]
Magical Summer Solstice Journal Gathering
Weaving of Words and Ink at Summer Solstice This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of magic. Following the Pagan Wheel of the Year, Summer Solstice, the Longest Day. So, during Summer Solstice energy, let us join for the weaving words and [...]
Magical Lammas Journal Gathering
Weaving of Words and Ink at Lammas This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of magic. Following the Pagan Wheel of the Year, Lammas, the time of the First Harvest, Abundance. So, during Lammas energy, let us join for the weaving words [...]
Magical Autumn Equinox Journal Gathering
Weaving of Words and Ink at Autumn Equinox This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of magic. Following the Pagan Wheel of the Year, Autumn Equinox the Second Harvest. So, during Autumn Equinox energy, let us join for the weaving words [...]
Magical Samhain Journal Gathering
Weaving of Words and Ink at Samhain This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of magic. Following the Pagan Wheel of the Year, Samhain, the end of the old year, the beginning of the new year. A time of thinning veils [...]
Magical Winter Solstice Journal Gathering
Weaving of Words and Ink at Winter Solstice This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of magic. Following the Pagan Wheel of the Year, Winter Solstice, the magical time of stillnes, the Pause and Returtning light. So, during Winter Solstice energy, [...]
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