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Learn about Magical Poppets and Spirit Dolls

So who are these little Spirit Beings and what do they do?

Learn the magic about these amazing Witch tools, often found in old cottages from times gone by. Full of mystery and magic.

Find out about their commitment to you and your commitment to them.

Healing and Magic

This is very magical…. so let us weave some magic and  create your own Magical Healing Poppet.

Your Poppet’s materials will be provided for you, but it is always nice to bring some of your own too.  So you can create your magical Poppet for your own magic.

We will weave, stitch, blend and create. Magical words and chants. Visions and wishes. Such a magical creation.

Your Poppet is waiting for you to bring it to life!

Blessing and Connecting your Poppet

Complete your Poppet with  some magic work to begin the weaving of your magic…and let the journey begin!

It is important work deeply creating your magical Poppet in Sacred Space. Therefore this is provided for you.

We will be calling upon our Old Crones to help us craft in the Old Ways.

Dates and Times

As this is a 1:1 workshop please contact me to arrange a time and date suitable for you.

This workshop is done in person or online.

Duration of workshop is 10am – 3pm

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