Magical Samhain Journal Gathering

Come, let us gather in the Dark Moon energy for our Magical Journal gathering. Let us fill our Journal pages with hints of magic and mystery. Weaving of Words and Ink at Samhain This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of [...]


Magical Winter Solstice Journal Gathering

Weaving of Words and Ink at Winter Solstice This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of magic. Following the Pagan Wheel of the Year, Winter Solstice is the stillness, the pause, the Returning of the Light. So, during Winter Solstice energy, [...]


Magical Imbolc Journal Gathering

Weaving of Words and Ink at Imbolc This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of magic. Following the Pagan Wheel of the Year, Imbolc is the time of Awakening. So, during Imbolc energy, let us join for the weaving words and [...]


Magical Spring Equinox Journal Gathering

Weaving of Words and Ink at Spring Equinox This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of magic. Following the Pagan Wheel of the Year, Spring Equinox, the time of The Greening. So, during Spring Equinox energy, let us join for the [...]

Magical Beltane Journal Gathering

Weaving of Words and Ink at Beltane This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of magic. Following the Pagan Wheel of the Year, Beltane is the time of Love and Fertility. So, during Beltane energy, let us join for the weaving words [...]


Magical Summer Solstice Journal Gathering

Weaving of Words and Ink at Summer Solstice This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of magic. Following the Pagan Wheel of the Year, Summer Solstice, the Longest Day. So, during Summer Solstice energy, let us join for the weaving words and [...]


Magical Lammas Journal Gathering

Weaving of Words and Ink at Lammas This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of magic. Following the Pagan Wheel of the Year, Lammas, the time of the First Harvest, Abundance. So, during Lammas energy, let us join for the weaving words [...]


Magical Autumn Equinox Journal Gathering

Weaving of Words and Ink at Autumn Equinox This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of magic. Following the Pagan Wheel of the Year, Autumn Equinox the Second Harvest. So, during Autumn Equinox energy, let us join for the weaving words [...]


Magical Samhain Journal Gathering

Weaving of Words and Ink at Samhain This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of magic. Following the Pagan Wheel of the Year, Samhain, the end of the old year, the beginning of the new year. A time of thinning veils [...]


Magical Winter Solstice Journal Gathering

Weaving of Words and Ink at Winter Solstice This will be a magical online gathering as we journal together with a stir of a cauldron and a splash of magic. Following the Pagan Wheel of the Year, Winter Solstice, the magical time of stillnes, the Pause and Returtning light. So, during Winter Solstice energy, [...]
